I was wondering if there is a periastron stars RPG discord server, because i wanna know if the game will resume updating again. After completing the index (which i did) there isnt a lot to do.
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Anyone know how to remove an image that you added to the wiki? I accidentally added a duplicate while setting up a page and I can't figure out how to get rid of it.
PS: If any staff member reading this wants to get rid of it instead, it's the image of the Ice King I put in, not the frostbrand. Thank you.
Waiting for easter periastron, 3d chess guys
can you drink lava can you drink lava can you drink lava can you drink lava can you drink lava
What is the id of music in cozy bedroom? if anyone know say please. its very chill.
That One Periastron That Turns You Into A Ball
I've seen two people get it
Correction for Redcliff Commander—exp dropped is 22.50M not 27.0M
How do ppl get to lvl 800k or 1m
guys please don't do stupid things like vandalizing pages or just straight up making an empty page and barely put any information in it and let others do your work, not only are you wasting others time but also just being a massive prick
There's three Roblox Periastrons that are seasonal such as, Fall Periastron, Joyful (Easter) Periastron, and Festive (Christmas) Periastron. So during those seasons there could be seasonal Periastrons that come every year. They would probably be in the Noir Periastron and Rainbow Periastron damage range so they could stay somewhat useful but, mostly just a flex lol. just a lil idea lol (these are literally the only other official periastrons that havent been used 😭 hazel periastron fr isnt even an official periastron 😭)