Periastron Stars RPG Wiki

World 1[]

Type Name HP DMG Location Item Drops XP + Gold Drops
Common Grass Monster Icon
Grass Monster
6 8 Spawn + The Plains None 10 XP
8 Gold
Boss Grass Titan Icon
Grass Titan
40 25 Spawn Grass Legend (1/4) 40 XP
22 Gold
Common Thief Icon
20 14 The Plains None 45 XP
15 Gold
Common Dweller Icon
35 20 Thief Cave None 50 XP
30 Gold
Boss BanditKingIcon
Bandit King
100 35 Stone Hammer (1/4) 100 XP
60 Gold
Rare Lost Dweller Icon
Lost Dweller
80 25 BlackIron Sword (1/10) 50 XP
50 Gold
Common GoblinIcon
50 15 The Deep Forest None 70 XP
40 Gold
Common Orc Icon
65 20 None 90 XP
55 Gold
Boss Druid Icon
150 40 Bamboo Katana (1/4) 150 XP
100 Gold
Common Zombie Icon
85 40 Graveyard None 120 XP
100 Gold
Common Skeleton Icon
100 45 None 170 XP
140 Gold
Boss Darkseed, the Fallen Icon
Darkseed, the Fallen
300 55 Darkseed's Sword (1/4)

Amethyst Periastron (1/400)
Darkseed's Armor (1/20)

300 XP
150 Gold
Fabled Boss Zombie Icon
Boss Zombie
650 47 Zombie Axe (1/50) 500 XP
225 Gold
Common Swamp Monster Icon
Swamp Monster
150 60 The Swamp None 220 XP
180 Gold
Common Bramble Icon
220 69 None 280 XP
220 Gold
Boss Spitter Icon
400 80 Scale Slasher (1/4)

Spitter Scales (1/20)

350 XP
300 Gold
Legendary Zarathrax, Serpent of Chaos Icon
Zarathrax, Serpent of Chaos
1.00K 150 Draketh Slazoid (1/20) 800 XP
600 Gold
Common Knight Icon
300 80 The Tower None 400 XP
300 Gold
Common Black Knight Icon
Black Knight
350 90 None 550 XP
320 Gold
Common Wizard Icon
430 100 Health Potion (1/10)

Speed Potion (1/10)
Strength Potion (1/10)

700 XP
350 Gold
Boss Sun Slayer Icon
Sun Slayer
600 120 Sky Fracture (1/4) 1.30K XP
600 Gold
Legendary Dragonslayer Icon
720 140 Dragonslayer's Sword (1/20) 1.45K XP
650 Gold
Common Skyguy Icon
480 100 The Skylands None 800 XP
400 Gold
Common Valkyrie Icon
620 120 None 950 XP
450 Gold
Common Gold Titan Icon
Gold Titan
750 150 None 1.00K XP
800 Gold
Boss Cool enemy i made Icon
cool enemy i made
1.10K 200 Kill Aura (1/4) 1.20K XP
500 Gold
Common FuchsiaFragmentIcon
Fuchsia Fragment
3.00T 2.00M The Spawn None 1.00B XP
400.00B Gold
Mythical ArchdukeFuchisiaIcon
Archduke Fuchisia
5.00T 2.50M Fuchsia Periastron (1/400) 1.20B XP
500.00B Gold

World 2[]

Type Name HP DMG Location Item Drops XP + Gold Drops
Common Cactguy Icon
1.00K 130 The Desert None 1.20K XP
500 Gold
Legendary Desert Bandit Icon
Desert Bandit
2.00k 180 Sand Tempest Scimitar (1/20) 1.20K XP
650 Gold
Common Mummy Icon
1.50K 145 The Pyramid None 1.65K XP
600 Gold
Boss Pharaoh Icon
3.00K 250 Pharoah Sword (1/4) 1.98K XP
750 Gold
Rare Undead Soldier Icon
Undead Soldier
4.25K 350 Ancient Scimitar (1/10) 1.98K XP
750 Gold
Fabled Pyramidal Man Icon
Pyramidal Man
4.87K 650 Golden Serpent's Katana (1/50) 2.32K XP
950 Gold
Common Swashbuckler Icon
1.95K 265 The Beach None 1.75K XP
650 Gold
Common Pirate Icon
2.25K 335 None 2.00K XP
750 Gold
Boss Davy Jones Icon
Davy Jones
4.85K 412 Captain's Cutlass (1/4) 3.25K XP
925 Gold
Rare Cave Pirate Icon
Cave Pirate
5.35K 480 Pirate Hook (1/10) 3.75K XP
1.10K Gold
Common Barnacle Icon
3.45K 350 The Ocean None 2.20K XP
800 Gold
Common Jellyfish Icon
4.20K 380 None 2.55K XP
850 Gold
Boss The Diver Icon
The Diver
8.00K 420 Mackerel (1/4) 2.80K XP
1.00K Gold
Legendary Hydracora, the Abyssal Serpent Icon
Hydracora, the Abyssal Serpent
7.53K 580 Serpentine Sword (1/20) 4.57K XP
1.45K Gold
Common Abyss Golem Icon
Abyss Golem
5.94K 450 The Deep Ocean None 2.90K XP
1.02K Gold
Common Drowned Gladiator Icon
Drowned Gladiator
7.82K 640 None 3.20K XP
1.15K Gold
Boss King Triton Icon
King Triton
16.75K 860 Triton's Trident (1/4)

Azure Periastron (1/400)

3.20k XP
1.15K Gold
Legendary Cthulhu Icon
18.5K 920 Leviathan Blade (1/20) 3.30K XP
1.00K Gold
Fabled Bubble Icon
10.55K 650 Bubbler (1/50)

Bubble Armor (1/50)

3.15K XP
1.07K Gold
Common Caveman Icon
9.00K 700 The Jungle None 4.50K XP
1.20K Gold
Common MutAnt Icon
12.00K 750 None 5.75K XP
1.40K Gold
Boss Man in Conveniently Realistic Gorilla Suit Icon
Man in Conveniently Realistic Gorilla Suit
15.00K Inf Bare Fist (1/4)

Banana (1/10)

7.00K XP
1.80K Gold
Common Ninja Icon
15.00K 800 The Jungle (Ninja Temple) Katana (1/5) 8.00K XP
1.00K Gold
Rare Red Ninja Icon
Red Ninja
30.00K Crimson Katana (1/10)
Ocherous Ninja Icon
Ocherous Ninja
Ocherous Katana (1/10)
Golden Ninja Icon
Golden Ninja
Golden Katana (1/10)
Jade Ninja Icon
Jade Ninja
Jade Katana (1/10)
Blue Ninja Icon
Blue Ninja
Blue Katana (1/10)
Iris Ninja Icon
Iris Ninja
Iris Katana (1/10)

World 3[]

Type Name HP DMG Location Item Drops XP + Gold Drops
Common Rock Monster Icon
Rock Monster
17.00K 800 The Mountain None 7.00K XP
1.70K Gold
Common Mountain Titan Icon
Mountain Titan
22.80K 850 None 10.00K XP
2.00K Gold
Boss Mountain King Icon
Mountain King
35.00K 950 Mountain Legend (1/4)

Malachite Guard (1/50)

12.00K XP
3.00K Gold
Fabled Man (level 1) Icon
Man (Level 1)
75.00K 52 Sword (1/50) 7.00K XP
1.80K Gold
Common HazelFragementIcon
Hazel Fragment
250.00K 2.00K None 40.00K XP
20.00K Gold
Mythical ArchdukeUmbreonIcon
Archduke Umberon
340.00K 2.50K Hazel Periastron (1/400) 70.00K XP
30.00K Gold
Common Ice Monster Icon
Ice Monster
32.00K 800 The Tundra None 9.00K XP
2.00K Gold
Common Nevermoor Icon
40.00K 850 None 11.00K XP
3.00K Gold
Boss Ice King Icon
Ice King
70.00K 950 Frostbrand (1/4) 12.00K XP
3.50K Gold
Fabled Evermoor Icon
82.50K 1.25K Evermoor Sword (1/50) 13.00K XP
4.50K Gold
Common Robot Icon
53.00K 1.00K The Factory None 14.00K XP
4.00K Gold
Common Drone Icon
60.00K 1.20K None 18.00K XP
5.00K Gold
Boss KillBot Icon
100.00K 1.70K Metal Scrapper (1/4) 20.00K XP
5.50K Gold
Common Prisoner Icon
80.00K 2.80K The Dungeon None 20.00K XP
6.00K Gold
Common Diseased Dog (it bites) Icon
Diseased Dog (it bites)
95.00K 4.30K None 22.50K XP
1.2 Gold
Boss Eyezor Icon
150.00K 2.50K Sawblade (1/4) 24.00K XP
7.00K Gold
Rare Chain Man Icon
Chain Man
200.00K 3.00K Ball and Chain (with rigor mortis) (1/10) 25.00K XP
8.00K Gold
Legendary Ball Man Icon
Ball Man
312.00K 4.23K Orbs of Truth (1/20) 28.00K XP
9.50K Gold
Common Stone Warrior Icon
Stone Warrior
142.50K 1.80K The Cavern None 28.00K XP
10.00K Gold
Common Crystal Monster Icon
Crystal Monster
200.00K 2.10K None 30.00K XP
12.50K Gold
Boss Fossilized Skeleton Icon
Fossilized Skeleton
300.00K 2.80K Fossil Sword (1/4) 35.00K XP

14.00K Gold

Fabled Ruby Titan Icon
Ruby Titan
400.00K 3.75K Ruby Goliath (1/50) 40.00K XP
16.00K Gold
Common Imp Icon
250.00K 2.45K The Underworld None 33.00K XP
15.00K Gold
Common Arch Demon Icon
Arch Demon
300.00K 2.70K None 37.00K XP
18.00K Gold
Boss Flame Golem Icon
Flame Golem
400.00K 3.00K Firebrand (1/4)

Crimson Periastron (1/400)

40.00K XP
20.00K Gold
Common Molten Man Who Has Seen God Icon
Molten Man Who Has Seen God
500.00K 3.00K None 80.00K XP
10.00K Gold

World 4[]

Type Name HP DMG Location Item Drops XP + Gold Drops
Common TarMan
Tar Man
350.00K 3.00K Tar Field None 45.00K XP
20.00K Gold
Common Tar Guardian Icon
Tar Guardian
450.00K 3.40K None 52.00K XP
22.00K Gold
Boss Tarmancer2
575.00K 4.00K Tar Legend (1/4)
TarTar Sauce (1/10)
60.00K XP
25.00K Gold
Common Scarecrow
680.00K 4.50K Wheat Field None 60.00K XP
20.00K Gold
Boss Horseman2
1.00M 6.00K The Horseman's Blade (1/4) 80.00K XP
45.00K Gold
Satanic Cow2
710.00K 4.50K Farmer's Revenge (1/50) 103.33K XP
40.00K Gold
Common Sinister P.
Sinister P.
1.00M 4.50K Hallowed Forest None 100.00K XP
30.00K Gold
Boss Pumpking2
2.00M 9.00K Pumpking's Sword (1/4)

Grimgold Periastron (1/400)

120.00K XP
65.00K Gold
Legendary Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper
4.00M 12.00K Reaper's Scythe (1/20) 200.00K XP
70.00K Gold
Fabled All Hallows Warrior2
All Hallows Warrior
6.00M 18.00K Pumpkin Sword (1/50) 480.00K XP
90.00K Gold
Common Clayman2
2.00M 5.00K Shattered Mesa None 180.00K XP
55.00K Gold
Boss Clay Pot
Clay Pot
4.00M 8.00K Clay Sword (1/4)

Clay Pot (1/50)

200.00K XP
80.00K Gold
Rare Defender of the Setting Sun
Defender of the Setting Sun
6.00M 15.00K Daybreak (1/10) 220.00K XP
80.00K Gold
Common Magma Monster
Magma Monster
3.00M 8.00K Volcanic Wastes None 400.00K XP
80.00K Gold
Common Brimstone Behemoth2
Brimstone Behemoth
4.00M 10.00K None 500.00K XP
90.00K Gold
Boss Caelum Infernus2
Caelum Infernus
6.00M 12.50K Telamonster (1/4) 550.00K XP
100.00K Gold
Legendary Crimsonwrath, Lord of Magma2
Crimsonwrath, Lord of Magma
9.00M 25.00K Crimsonwrath's Sword (1/20)

The Doombringer (1/50)

1.30M XP
140.00K Gold
Common Forest Elemental2
Forest Elemental
5.00M 25.00K The Elementals None 600.00K XP
Boss Keeper of Growth2
Keeper of Growth
15.00M 30.00K Lifebringer (1/4) 900.00K XP
200.00K Gold
Common Fire Elemental2
Fire Elemental
5.00M 25.00K None 600.00K XP
Boss Keeper of Fire2
Keeper of Fire
15.00M 30.00K Infernal Fury (1/4) 900.00K XP
200.00K Gold
Common Lightning Elemental
Lightning Elemental
5.00M 25.00K None 600.00K XP
Boss Keeper of Lightning2
Keeper of Lightning
15.00M 30.00K Flurry Edge (1/4) 900.00K XP
200.00K Gold
Common Ice Elemental
Ice Elemental
5.00M 25.00K None 600.00K XP
Boss Keeper of Frost2
Keeper of Frost
15.00M 30.00K Blizzard Buster (1/4) 900.00K XP
200.00K Gold

World 5[]

Type Name HP DMG Location Item Drops XP + Gold Drops
Common Noob
6.00M 20.00K Happy Home None 700.00K XP
1.00M Gold
Common Guest
8.00M 25.00K None 800.00K XP
1.00M Gold
Boss The Kleos2
The Kleos
11.50M 35.00K Linked Sword (1/4) 1.00M XP
1.25M Gold
Fabled Epic Chicken2
Epic Chicken
20.00M 40.00K Rubber Chicken Wand (1/50) 2.00M XP
2.00M Gold
Common Builder
10.00M 30.00K Roblox HQ None 1.00M XP
1.50M Gold
Common Scripter
12.50M 35.00K None 1.20M XP
1.60M Gold
Legendary MrDoomBringer2
40.00M 55.00K BanHammer (1/20) 2.00M XP
2.50M Gold
Boss Builderman2
20.00M 45.00K Icedagger (1/4)

Outrageous Builders Club Hardhat (1/50)

1.40M XP
2.00M Gold
Common Teapot
16.00M 40.00K Teapots of Doom None 1.70M XP
2.00M Gold
Common Adurite Teapot
Adurite Teapot
20.00M 45.00K None 1.90M XP
2.20M Gold
Boss BlackIron Teapot2
BlackIron Teapot
32.00M 60.00K Windforce (1/4) 2.10M XP
3.00M Gold
Rare Teapot Turret2
Teapot Turret
45.00M 70.00K Gravity Hammer (1/10) 2.00M XP
3.00M Gold
Common Swordfighter
25.00M 55.00K The Heights None 2.50M XP
2.50M Gold
Common Viking
32.00M 60.00K None 2.80M XP
4.00M Gold
Boss Empyreus2
45.00M 70.00K Illumina (1/4)

Dominus Empyreus Hat (1/50)
Ivory Periastron (1/400)

3.00M XP
4.00M Gold
Legendary Shedletsky2
50.00M 80.00K Chicken Leg (1/20) 3.20M XP
6.00M Gold
Fabled Enemy Icon
50.00M 80.00K Affront to God (1/50) Causes you to lose 1-50

levels (XP stays unchanged)
6.00M Gold

Common Ghost 😱😱😱
47.00M 65.00K Yorick's Resting Place None 3.80M XP
4.00M Gold
Fabled Ghosdeeri2
155.00M 80.00K Ghosdeeri's Sword (1/50) 7.00M XP
6.00M Gold
Common Witch
55.00M 67.50K None 4.50M XP
4.50M Gold
Boss Yorick2
80.00M 75.00K Ghostwalker (1/4)

Riddling Skull Hat (1/20)

5.00M XP
4.50M Gold
Legendary Void Star
The Void Star
125.00M 85.00K Darkheart (1/20) 4.50M XP
5.50M Gold
Common Banlander
80.00M 75.00K Banlands None 6.00M XP
5.00M Gold
Common Terminated
100.00M 80.00K None 6.50M XP
5.50M Gold
Boss 1x1x1x12
180.00M 95.00K Venomshank (1/4) 7.00M XP
5.50M Gold
Legendary Banished2
240.00M 110.00K Kernel Panic Katana (1/20) 7.50M XP
6.20M Gold

World 6[]

Type Name HP DMG Location Item Drops XP + Gold Drops
Common Astral Isles Sentry Icon
Astral Isles Sentry
150.00M 160.00K Astral Isles Tower None 9.00M XP
6.00M Gold
Boss Astral Isles Guardia Icon
Astral Isles Guardia
200.00M 90000K Midnight Sword (1/4) 10.00M XP
7.50M Gold
Common Astral Isles Apprentice
Astral Isles Apprentice
250.00M 100.00K None 12.00M XP
9.00M Gold
Boss Astral Isles Wizard Icon
Astral Isles Wizard
400.00M 120.00K Magic Arts Sword (1/4)

Wizard Armor (1/20)

13.00M XP
10.00M Gold
Legendary Astral Isles Initiate Icon
Astral Isles Initiate
650.00M 140.00K Moonlight Hammer (1/20) 13.00M XP
11.00M Gold
Common Redcliff Peon Icon
Redcliff Peon
320.00M 100.00K Redcliff Valley None 20.00M XP
50.00M Gold
Boss Redcliff Knight Icon
Redcliff Knight
500.00M 130.00K Redcliff Morning Star (1/4) 25.50M XP
70.00M Gold
Fabled Redcliff Deserter Icon
Redcliff Deserter
550.00M 150.00K Redcliff Elite Sword (1/50) 28.00M XP
80.00M Gold
Common Redcliff Commander Icon
Redcliff Commander
400.00M 140.00K None 27.00M XP
60.00M Gold
Boss Redcliff Lord Icon
Redcliff Lord
600.00M 165.00K Redcliff Greatsword (1/4) 28.50M XP

80.00M Gold

Legendary Redcliff Rogue Icon
Redcliff Rogue
650.00M 180.00K Redcliff Rogue Sword (1/20)

Redcliff Rogue Armor (1/50)

28.00M XP

80.00M Gold

Common Seerling Icon
800.00M 160.00K Overseer Cave None 35.00M XP
100.00M Gold
Boss Overseer Bandit Icon
Overseer Bandit
1.20B 165.00K Overseer Axe (1/4)

Overseer Cloak (1/50)

38.00M XP
135.00M Gold
'Legendary' The Praefectus Icon
The Praefectus
1.80B 210.00K Overseer Hammer (1/20) 43.00M XP
200.00M Gold
Common Overseer Warrior Icon
Overseer Warrior
1.40B 200.00K None 42.00M XP
120.00M Gold
Boss The Overseer Icon
The Overseer
2.00B 220.00K Overseer Warlord Sword (1/4)

Chartreuse Periastron (1/400)

45.00M XP
150.00M Gold
Common Emerald Knight Icon
Emerald Knight
1.80B 200.00K Emerald Knight Sanctum None 39.50M XP
250.00M Gold
Boss Emerald Knight Initiate Icon
Emerald Knight Initiate
3.00B 210.00K Emerald Knight Axe (1/4)

Emerald Knight Armor (1/20)

42.00M XP
300.00M Gold
Legendary Emerald Claw Icon
Emerald Claw
5.50B 220.00K Envious Bone Club (1/20) 51.00M XP
350.00M Gold
Common Emerald Knight Champion Icon
Emerald Knight Champion
2.75B 205.00K None 47.50M XP
280.00M Gold
Boss Emerald Guardian Icon
Emerald Guardian
4.50B 220.00K Emerald Knight Lance (1/4) 49.50M XP
350.00M Gold
Common Korblox Bladesman Icon
Korblox Bladesman
4.50B 210.00K Korblox Spire None 54.00M XP
400.00M Gold
Boss Korblox Basher Icon
Korblox Basher
7.00B 225.00K Korblox Mace (1/4) 62.00M XP
450.00M Gold
Common Korblox Necromancer Icon
Korblox Necromancer
6.00B 240.00K None 68.50M XP
500.00M Gold
Legendary Korblox Elder Icon
Korblox Elder
14.00B 260.00K Skeleton BattleAxe (1/20) 78.00M XP
700.00M Gold
Boss Korblox Deathspeaker Icon
Korblox Deathspeaker
14.00B 260.00K Deathspeaker Sword (1/4)

Deathspeaker Armor (1/50)

76.00M XP
700.00M Gold
Common Splintered Skies Guard Icon
Splintered Skies Guard
12.00B 260.00K Splintered Skies None 84.00M XP
900.00M Gold
Boss Splintered Skies Sentinel Icon
Splintered Skies Sentinel
18.50B 280.00K Splintered Skies Morning Star (1/4) 88.00M XP
1.20B Gold
Common Splintered Skies Vanguard Icon
Splintered Skies Vanguard
20.00B 300.00K None 92.00M XP
1.20B Gold
Boss Splintered Skies Justicar Icon
Splintered Skies Justicar
40.00B 330.00K Splintered Skies Grand Sword (1/4)

Justicar Armor (1/50)

95.00M XP
1.55B Gold
Legendary Splintered Skies Angel Icon
Splintered Angel
50.00B 350.00K Wing Slasher (1/20) 100.00M XP
2.00B Gold

World 7[]

Type Name HP DMG Location Item Drops XP + Gold Drops
Common Golden Warlord 35.00B 240.00K The Aureate None 95.00M XP
2.00B Gold
Boss Aureate Assassin 60.00B 250.00K Gilded Katana (1/4) 100.00M XP
3.00B Gold
Legendary Rising Sun Samurai 70.00B 260.00K Grand Samurai Katana (1/20)

Yellow Snowball (1/50)

105.00M XP
4.00B Gold
Common Auric Champion 65.00B 300.00K None 110.00M XP
3.00B Gold
Boss The Aureus 95.00B 340.00k Gilded Sword (1/4)

Auric Robe (1/20)

120.00M XP
4.50B Gold
Fabled Speedy Tarnished 70.00B 270.00K Club (1/50) 150.00M XP
4.50B Gold
Common Voidling 80.00B 540.00K Azurewrath's Void None 150.00M XP
4.00B Gold
Rare Violetfang 130.00B 560.00K Energy Sword (1/10) 180.00M XP
6.00B Gold
Common Azure Underling 115.00B 570.00K None 175.00M XP
5.00B Gold
Boss Azurewrath, Lord of the Void 180.00B 590.00K Black Hole Sword (1/4) 200.00M XP
7.00B Gold
Fabled Knight of the Violet Abyss 200.00B 300.00K Sword of the Violet Abyss (1/50) 230.00M XP
8.00B Gold
Legendary Azurewrath, Lord of Destruction 220.00B 400.00K Shadow Slayer Sword (1/20) 210.00M XP
8.00B Gold
Common Crystal Elemental 205.00B 490.00K Crystal Mines None 220.00M XP
7.05B Gold
Common Crystal Golem 245.00B 510.00K None 240.00M XP
7.20B Gold
Boss Aquamara, The Stardust Serpent 305.00B 530.00K Crystal Sword (1/4) 255.00M XP
7.40B Gold
Common Mystic Worshipper 300.00B 430.00K None 260.00M XP
8.00B Gold
Legendary Whale God 500.00B 470.00K Crystallizer (1/20) 280.00M XP
9.50B Gold
Common Alien 370.00B 460.00K Lunar Garden None 270.00M XP
10.00B Gold
Common Lunar Overgrowth 460.00B 480.00K None 285.00M XP
12.00B Gold
Boss LOL MOON 600.00B 520.00K Moon Wand (1/4) 300.00M XP
14.50B Gold
Legendary Jupiter 800.00B 540.00K Jupiter Greatsword (1/20) 320.00M XP
18.00B Gold
Fabled Comet 900.00B 540.00K Star Splitter (1/50) 340.00M XP
22.50B Gold
Common Droid 600.00B 540.00K Lunar Factory None 380.00M XP
20.00B Gold
Legendary Atomic Being 1.30T 640.00K Atomizer (1/20) 400.00M XP
30.00B Gold
Common Bludroid 800.00B 570.00K None 420.00M XP
25.00B Gold
Boss Sniper Bot 1.30T 620.00K Electroslasher (1/4) 450.00M XP
30.00B Gold
Common Meeboid 1.20T 570.00K Eclipsus' Castle None 480.00M XP
30.00B Gold
Boss Knight of the Abyss 1.70T 640.00K Shadow Dancer (1/4) 525.00M XP
45.00B Gold
Common Dark Warlord 1.60T 600.00K None 555.00M XP
50.00B Gold
Common Shade Spirit 2.10T 740.00K None 580.00M XP
70.00B Gold
Common Shadow Knight 2.60T 770.00K None 600.00M XP
100.00B Gold
Boss Fallen Valkyrie 3.80T 840.00K Fallen Wing Slasher (1/4)

Fallen Valkyrie Armor (1/20)

615.00M XP
150.00B Gold
Common Dark Assassin 3.00T 800.00K None 635.00M XP
130.00B Gold
Legendary Protector of the Shadowed Sun 4.20T 1.30M Immortal Solar Blade (1/20) 695.00M XP
190.00B Gold
Superboss Lord Eclipsus Icon
Lord Eclipsus
50.00T Sword Damage - 1.40M

Amethyst Meteor Shower - 600.00K
Azure Blade Spin - 250.00K
Crimson Pillars - 250.00K
Grimgold Shockwave - 200.00K
Ivory Starstorm - 1.50M
Chartreuse Shield - 100.00K

Eclipsed Cowl (1/10)
Noir Periastron (1/200)
750.00M XP
200.00B Gold

World 8[]

Type Name HP DMG Location Item Drops XP + Gold Drops
Common Tinkerer 2.70T 1.20M Clockwork Peaks None 775.00M XP
200.00B Gold
Common Steampunker 3.30T 1.50M None 850.00M XP
250.00B Gold
Fabled Time Bomb 4.00T 1.30M Stick of Dynamite (1/50) 900.00M XP
250.00B Gold
Boss Time Keeper 5.00T 2.00M Timeweaver (1/4) 900.00M XP
300.00B Gold
Legendary God of Time 6.50T 2.20M Cog of Time (1/20) 950.00M XP
300.00B Gold
Common Deckhand 4.50T 1.60M Sailor Cove None 1.00B XP
450.00B Gold
Common Sailor 5.80T 1.80M None 1.05B XP
500.00B Gold
Common Piranha 6.40T 1.90M None 1.20B XP
650.00B Gold
Common Drowned Sailor 9.00T 2.00M None 1.35B XP
800.00B Gold
Boss Lost Captain 13.50T 2.20M Skull Cutlass (1/4)
Skeletal Captain Armor (1/50)
1.45B XP
1.00T Gold
Rare Clamshell 16.00T 2.50M Pearl (1/10) 1.50B XP
1.50T Gold
Boss Port Captain 17.00T 2.50M Anchor (1/4) 1.60B XP
1.50T Gold
Common Hollow 15.00T 2.00M Endless Hollow None 1.80B XP
1.00T Gold
Common Faeling Mystic 19.00T 2.10M None 2.10B XP
1.20T Gold
Boss Faeling Warrior 32.00T 2.20M Razor Leaf (1/4) 2.40B XP
1.40T Gold
Fabled Eldertree Golem 36.00T 2.20M Sword of the Lands (1/50) 2.50B XP
1.80T Gold
Common Beetle Warrior 23.00T 2.30M None 2.65B XP
1.60T Gold
Boss Spider Queen 50.00T 2.50M Spider Leg (1/4)
Spider Armor (1/20)
2.80B XP
2.00T Gold
Common Snapper 28.00T 2.20M Poison Swamp None 3.00B XP
3.00T Gold
Common Flyclops 34.00T 2.30M None 3.40B XP
3.50T Gold
Boss Swamp King 40.00T 2.40M Vilethorn (1/4) 3.45B XP
4.00T Gold
Rare enemy with a sword and a cape 42.00T 2.40M Corrosive Edge (1/10)
Swamp Cloak (1/50)
3.60B XP
6.00T Gold
Common River Dweller 38.00T 2.30M None 4.00B XP
5.00T Gold
Boss Moth Man 55.00T 2.50M Poison Scythe (1/4) 4.50B XP
7.00T Gold
Common Amethyst Fragment 60.00T 2.50M The Periastron Stars None 6.00B XP
10.00T Gold
Common Azure Fragment 62.50T 2.75M None 8.00B XP
10.00T Gold
Common Crimson Fragment 65.00T 3.00M None 10.00B XP
10.00T Gold
Common Grimgold Fragment 67.50T 3.25M None 10.20B XP
10.00T Gold
Common Ivory Fragment 70.00T 3.50M None 10.40B XP
10.00T Gold
Common Chartreuse Fragment 72.50T 3.75M None 10.60B XP
10.00T Gold
Common Noir Fragment 75.00T 4.00M None 10.80B XP
10.00T Gold
Superboss Pericles Icon
5.00Qd Rainbow Beam - 7.00M

Comet Smash - 10.00M
Omega Starstorm - 6.00M

Superboss Room or The End Rainbow Periastron (1/1)
Periastron Crown (1/1)
Wings of Duality (1/50)
200.00B XP
40.00T Gold

Superboss Room[]

Type Name HP DMG Location Item Drops XP + Gold Drops
Superboss Stone Goliath Icon
Stone Goliath
5K 200 Superboss Room Rock Smasher (1/1)
Goliath Crown (1/10)
2.60K XP
1.00K Gold
Superboss Borealis Icon
470K 2.50K Everfrost Lance (1/1)
Ice Queen's Aspect (1/10)
20.00K XP
4.50K Gold
Superboss Emberseye Icon
100.00M 13.00K The Ember Eye (1/1)
Crimson Wings (1/10)
5.00M XP
2.00M Gold
Superboss Developer Icon
1.35B 170.00K Delete Tool (1/1) 8.50M XP
7.00M Gold
Superboss DarkAge Master Icon
DarkAge Master
50.00B 200.00K DarkAge Naginata (1/1) 70.00M XP
800.00M Gold
Superboss Lord Eclipsus Icon
Lord Eclipsus
50.00T Sword Damage - 1.40M

Amethyst Meteor Shower - 600.00K
Azure Blade Spin - 250.00K
Crimson Pillars - 250.00K
Grimgold Shockwave - 200.00K
Ivory Starstorm - 1.50M
Chartreuse Shield - 100.00K

Superboss Room or Eclipsus' Castle Eclipsed Cowl (1/10)
Noir Periastron (1/200)
750.00M XP
200.00B Gold
Superboss Pericles Icon
5.00Qd Rainbow Beam - 7.00M

Comet Smash - 10.00M
Omega Starstorm - 6.00M

Superboss Room or The End Rainbow Periastron (1/1)
Periastron Crown (1/1)
Wings of Duality (1/50)
200.00B XP
40.00T Gold

Event Worlds[]

Maple Woodlands[]

Type Name HP DMG Location Item Drops XP + Leaves Drops
Seasonal Scramble Icon
40.00B 350.00K Maple Woodlands None 95.00M XP
6 Leaves
Seasonal Pumpkin Knight Icon
Pumpkin Knight
55.00B 370.00K None 100.00M XP
15 Leaves
Seasonal Possessed Armor Icon
Possessed Armor
75.00B 380.00K None 110.00M XP
35 Leaves
Seasonal Thistle Icon
100.00B 400.00K None 125.00M XP
75 Leaves
Seasonal Lord Bramble Icon
Lord Bramble
150.00B 500.00K Fall Periastron (1/1000) 140.00M XP
180 Leaves

Present Plaza[]

Type Name HP DMG Location Item Drops Drops
Seasonal Bipedal Gift Box Icon
Bipedal Gift Box
500.00K 3.00K Elf Workshop Gift of Peppermint Protection [1/400] 0 XP
100.00K Gold
Seasonal Elf Icon
500.00K 3.00K 70.00K XP
40.00K Gold
Seasonal Toy Soldier Icon
Toy Soldier
600.00K 3.50K 80.00K XP
45.00K Gold
Seasonal Nightwalker Icon
20.00M 45.00K Aurora Dreamland Gift of the Starry Night [1/400] 2.00M XP
2.20M Gold
Seasonal Skyrunner Icon
25.00M 50.00K 2.30M XP
2.50M Gold
Seasonal Vilepine Icon
1.40B 180.00K Frigid Peaks Gift of Frozen Heights [1/400] 34.00M XP
120.00M Gold
Seasonal Reindeer Icon
1.80B 190.00K 36.00M XP
130.00M Gold
Seasonal Snowman Icon
2.20B 200.00K 38.00M XP
140.00M Gold
Seasonal Dust Bunny Icon
Dust Bunny
205.00B 585.00K Cozy Bedroom Gift of Fireplace Festivities [1/400] 220.00M XP
7.05B Gold
Seasonal Gold Dust Bunny Icon
Gold Dust Bunny
1.00T 600.00K 220.00M XP
500.00B Gold
Seasonal Redbot Icon
250.00B 600.00K 240.00M XP
7.20B Gold
Seasonal Bluebot Icon
Bluebot (it was made by a colorblind person :/)
250.00B 600.00K 240.00M XP
7.20B Gold

Removed Areas[]

Windows World[]

Type Name HP DMG Location Item Drops XP + Gold Drops
Common Windows Defender 345K 350 Windows World None 220K XP
800 Gold
Common Object 345K 350 None 220K XP
800 Gold
Legendary Window 345K 350 Part (1/20) 220K XP
800 Gold

Mother Area[]

Type Name HP DMG Location Item Drops XP + Gold Drops
Boss Mother 1 8.23M 4 Mother Dimension TarTar Sauce (1/4)

Wall Staples (1/50)

11 XP
1.15K Gold
Boss Mother 2 8.23M 4 TarTar Sauce (1/4)

Wall Staples (1/50)

12 XP
1.15K Gold
Fabled Mother 3 8.23M No Damage TarTar Sauce (1/4)

Weak XP Potion (1/4)
Wall Staples (1/50)

13 XP
1.15K Gold

Manganese Area[]

Type Name HP DMG Location Item Drops XP + Gold Drops
Manganese The Goose & The Golden Egg RPG ??? No Damage Manganese Area Golden Egg (1/30) ??? XP
??? Gold
Manganese The Crow & The Pitcher RPG ??? ??? None 15 XP
2.02K Gold