Periastron Stars RPG Wiki


The Gravity Hammer is a Rare World 5 Weapon that deals 9M - 9.5M damage and can be increased with the use of strength potions.

It is dropped from Teapot Turret (1/10 chance), to get to him you have to go through a teleport which is under the stairs to the BlackIron Teapot.



  1. Enter the Teapots of Doom area in World 5
  2. Walk to the entrance of the BlackIron Teapot boss fight but do not enter
  3. Under the stairs there is a invisible platform where there is a tan teapot, touching that will teleport you to the Teapot Turret
    Teapot Turret Teleporter


  • Rarity : Rare
  • Damage : 9M - 9.5M
  • Selling Price : 200M
  • Dropped by : Teapot Turret