Periastron Stars RPG Wiki

The Periastrons[]

The Periastrons are considered the game's namesake and arguably the best weapons in their respective areas. Currently, there are 13 released Periastrons with 2 being secret and 3 being seasonal.


Most of the existing Periastrons are hidden behind normal bosses. The Fuchsia and Hazel Periastrons are obtainable by two hidden enemies, and not normal bosses like the others. They are the rarest possible drops in the game, with a 1/400 chance of obtaining one (except for the Noir and Rainbow, which has a 1/200 chance and 1/1 respectively). It is unlikely to come across one by accident.

Type Weapon Image Source Location Damage
Mythical Amethyst Periastron Amethyst Periastron Icon Darkseed, the Fallen Graveyard (Darkseed's Crypt) 2.40K - 3.20K
Mythical Azure Periastron Azure Periastron Icon King Triton The Deep Ocean 172.00K - 206.00K
Mythical Crimson Periastron Crimson Periastron Icon Flame Golem The Underworld 608.00K - 702.00K
Mythical Hazel Periastron Hazel periastron Archduke Umberon Hazel Dimension 1.30M - 1.60M
Mythical Grimgold Periastron Grimgold Periastron Icon Pumpking Hallowed Forest 1.40M - 1.70M
Mythical Ivory Periastron Ivory Periastron Icon Empyreus The Heights 80.00M - 85.00M
Mythical Chartreuse Periastron ChartreusePeriastron The Overseer Overseer Cave 28.00B - 32.00B
Mythical Noir Periastron Noir Periastron Lord Eclipsus Eclipsus' Castle (Superboss Room) 1.80T - 2.00T
Mythical Fuchsia Periastron Fuchsia periastron Archduke Fuchisia Fuchsia Dimension 1.80T - 2.00T
Mythical Rainbow Periastron Rainbow Periastron Pericles The End (Superboss Room) 10.00T - 12.00T

Seasonal Periastrons[]

Type Weapon Image Source Location Damage
Seasonal Fake Chartreuse Periastron FakeChartreusePeriastron The Riddle The Swamp 1 - 2
Seasonal Fall Periastron Fall Periastron Lord Bramble Maple Woodlands 800.00B - 900.00B
Seasonal Festive Periastron Festive Periastron Aurora Present Plaza 2.00T - 2.20T


Killing Lord Eclipsus for the first time awakens the Periastrons (other than the Fake Chartreuse Periastron) making them Celestial. Awakened Periastrons scale with the player's level and have their abilities unlocked. The damage scaling formula:

