Periastron Stars RPG Wiki


Portal room h

Portal Room's Hub

The Portal Room is a part of the spawn, accessible from behind the fountain at the Spawn. It currently features 45 portals spanning 8 different Worlds.


World 1[]

World 2[]

World 3[]

World 4[]

World 5[]

World 6[]

World 7[]

World 8[]

  • Clockwork Peaks (Level 500.0K)
    • Clock Tower (Level 530.0K) - sub area
  • Sailor Cove (Level 560.0K)
    • Cove (Level 590.0K) - sub area
    • Port Captain (Level 615.0K) - sub area
  • Endless Hollow (Level 630.0K)
    • The Grotto (Level 660.0K) - sub area
  • Poison Swamp (Level 700.0K)
  • The Periastron Stars (Level 800.0K)
    • Amethyst Star (Level 800.0K) - sub area
    • Azure Star (Level 850.0K) - sub area
    • Crimson Star (Level 900.0K) - sub area
    • Grimgold Star (Level 950.0K) - sub area
    • Ivory Star (Level 1.00M) - sub area
    • Chartreuse Star (Level 1.05M) - sub area
    • Noir Star (Level 1.10M) - sub area
    • The End (Level 1.20M) - sub area


Inside the World 4 portal room, there's a crack in the wall, not easily noticeable at first. The crack has no collision and the player can pass through, leading to the Lost One. Clipping with laugh or dance, and falling various studs down, you'll eventually reach another secret area, the Molten Man's Domain.


¹ - These are secret areas that you are able to reach at the same level that the section they are in, but isn't recommended due to the fact that they are very difficult enemies.

² - These follow what is noted in ¹ but are secret areas that don't have a specific name due to the fact that they are simply an extension of the map.
